+92 91 9221384 [email protected]

13th June, 2023

Consultant: Dr. Muhammad Haroon
Principal Incharge: Abdul Hannan Ali
Secretary Incharge: Shahan Khan
Information Incharge: Rushba Ayaz
Event Report:

Venue: pharma 15 and skill lab

Total Budget / Spending: 4500/3300

Attendance report:26/30


by end of this workshop participants would be able to know,

Heat stroke and its management.

Checking vitals of patients with heat stroke.

Insertion of ETT in unconscious patients through laryngoscope.

Inserting and managingIV line

Case scenario solution

Pre-workshop evaluation:

The activity started with distribution of pre test among participants and giving them 10 minutes to solve it.

Lecture / Presentation:

After that,  Dr. Haroon delivered his lecture on heat stroke, followed by grouping of all participants into 5 groups.

Round/visit of a facility:

All groups were sent to skill lab where 5 stations were placed corresponding to the group number.

Hands-on experience/task:

Station 1: Participants were shown how to moniter all vital signs and managing heat stroke patients with cold sponges.


Station 2: a very detailed display of airway management was shown and each participant was encouraged to insert ETT with the help of a  laryngoscope.


Station 3: inserting and managing IV line was taught along with all relevant information regarding emergency tools.


Station 4: case scenarios and post test was discussed in extreme detailed by Dr. Haroon.

Station 5: refreshment and rest.

Each station was given a total of 20 mins and the activity was wrapped up successfully with a picture of the whole team.

Post-workshop evaluation:

post workshop evaluation was conducted which showed a steep increase in knowledge of all participants

Overall yield from the activity:

overall , activity was appreciated by all participants. According to attendees, it was one of its kind , most informative and practical activity performed by mig kmc. 


the workshop got positive feedback from all the participants.