I.T Cell / Self Learning and Resource Center
The SLRC of KMC is situated in the Pathology and Community Medicine block and at the moment has more than 60 desktop computers with full internet access. The center is open from 8 AM to 3 PM in working days. The staff is knowledgeable of resources and instructional technologies as well as pedagogy and is able to demonstrate collaborative skills to plan the SLRC program and services with other faculty, staff and students.
Our Services

KMC Official Website
The Khyber Medical College Official website is developed and maintained by IT Cell/SLRC. All the information and news updates are uploaded on official website from here. The college has its own Website Managment Committee.

Networking and Data Center

KMC Managed Wi Fi Service
Khyber Medical College has managed Wi Fi internet Service for the students and staff at campus and in its four hostels. It is based on the vision of smart campus services to provide un-interrupted and high speed internet facility to the students and staff. It is managed by IT Cell/SLRC staff.

Solutions and Services
IT Cell/SLRC KMC provides IT related services and solutions to staff and students of KMC. It includes data analysis, Design and printing, Computer hardware and software support.
Incharge Solution and Services: Zahoor Ahmad.Data Analyist
Shahbaz Khan. Computer Operator

KMCite is a webportal for the students and staff of KMC. It is developed in house by the IT Cell/SLRC Staff. It is a complete Campus Managment Solution where the students and teachers communicate with each others. Each user hass his/her own unique cyber account. Vital services of KMCite includes MCQ bank, Online Exam System, Stduent attendance system, Assignment managment, Routine and syllabus system, Leave application and complaint cell.
Incharge KMCite: Sulaiman. Assistant Programmer. IT Cell/SLRC. KMC
Hands on workshop on using Zoom and KMCite for online distance learning
A 3 day workshop was organized by the Department of IT & SLRC in collaboration with Department of Medical Education for the faculty of KMC. Mr. Sulaiman delivered the hands on training and explained the process of how to take online classes using Zoom and KMCite.

Prof.Dr.Farooq Ahmad

Zahoor Ahmad
Data Analyst
Muhammad Amir Khalil

Shahbaz Ahmad
Computer Operator

Said Muhammad
Computer Operator
Technical Suppport
Technical Support
IT Cell/SLRC KMC provides IT related services and solutions to staff and students of KMC. It includes data analysis, Design and printing, Computer hardware and software support.
For general support, website & KMCite
Mr. Sulaiman
For network and internet related support
Mr. Said Muhammad
For softwares & Windows support
Mr. Shahbaz
Do you need technical support?
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