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Khyber Medical Library was established in 1955 just after the establishment of Khyber Medical College. This library has a vast collection of medical literature in the form of medical books and medical journals. This is the biggest and oldest medical library of K.P.K.

This library has a collection of about 45ooo/- titles of medical books which are regularly updated with the new editions of medical books every year.

This library is providing books lending facility to 1500 undergraduate regular students,  about 50 post graduate regular students, 500 faculty and providing research facilities to the medical professionals of the whole province

Total Numbers of Books

Basic Sciences ( Text Books)

Reference Books

Khyber Medical College has a huge stock of medical journals comprising of leading International as will as National Medical Journals. This library has more than 8000 bound volumes of medical journals with the monthly increase of about 50 different titles of medical journals, including International, National, Donations and WHO Medical literature.

The break up of medical journals is given as:

National (Pak) medical journals.                                             30

Name of important National Journals:-

Journal of postgraduate Medical College , Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan, Journal of Medical Sciences, Rawal Medical Journal, Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, Pakistan Journal of Pathology, Gomal Journal of Medical Science, Pakistan Journal of Sciences, Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal, Pakistan Journal of ophthalmology etc.

  1. International 24

Name of important International Journals:- 

Journal of American College of Surgeons, American Journal of clinical Pathology, The Journal of American Association, Breast Caner, The American Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, The American Journal of Surgery, The Journal of British Association, Lancet Oncology, Annals of Saudi Medicine, The Saudi Journal of Kidney diseases and transplantation, British Journal of Ophthalmology, Journal of Otolaryngology and Otology, British Heart Journal, American Journal of Cardiology, GUT, American Journal of Nutrition etc.


WHO, Bulletin, IPCS series, WHO Drug information, International Digest of Health Legislation, WHO Statistics, WHO Annual Report, HIV Infant Feeding, etc.

Facilities available in students main library

Student’s main library of Khyber Medical College provides the following facilities to its users:

  1. It issues text books to the regular students of the college and the faculty members as per library policy i.e 6 books at time to every student and 6 books to a faculty member.
  2. It purchases new editions of text and reference books of all major clinical subjects like Medicine, Surgery, ENT, Ophthalmology, Pediatrics, Radiology etc and basic subject like Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology, Biochemistry, Pathology, and Forensic Medicine etc according to the requirements and demands of students and faculty members.
  3. Books are technically processed and made available for issue.
  4. It provides internet facilities for the search of medical literature by the students.
  5. It arranges and maintains the record of available books.
  6. It provides study facilities to its students in its two spacious study halls from 08 AM to 8.00 PM with out break.

Internet facilities:-

Internet facilities are available in both sections of the library i.e.  faculty library and student library.

Staff Reference Library KMC:

One of the assets of Khyber Medical College Peshawar is its Staff Reference Library. It is one of the richest medical reference libraries in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, containing 10,000 journals and 550 books. It has a separate building covering an area of about 1800 Sq. ft. The library has 50 seating capacity, 16 books shelves and 11 display racks.

Facilities Available in faculty Library:

Faculty Library provides the following facilities to faculty members and medical researchers:

  1. It has a collection of about 80000(Bound vols) medical journals on various medical specialties from 1980 till date.
  2. It receives 22 latest International medical journals and 30 National medical journals on various medical subjects every month.
  3. It receives WHO, Literature regularly.
  4. Latest edition of medical text and reference books are also available.
  5. Internet facility is also available.
  6. On line access to the digital library of HEC is also available.

HEC Digital Library

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Mukhtiar Ali

Incharge Library | MLISc, [email protected]