+92 91 9221384 [email protected]

Social Welfare Society

Patron & Dean : Prof. Dr. Mahmud Aurangzeb

Chairperson : Dr. Naila Hamid




A brief overview of social welfare society


Social welfare society, Khyber Medical College, is the youth wing of Pakistan Red Crescent Society Khyber Pakhtunkwa. It was formed in the year 1984 as a non-political, non-profit, welfare organization. It is mainly run by the students of Khyber Medical College. It is registered as a Welfare Society with the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkwa. Its accounts are audited annually by professional chartered accountants.

Social Welfare society has a food reputation in the field of social work and public health services. It has been the reciepent of the best youth wing award for the past 30 years and has maintained its high standards throughout.

History of Social Welfare Society:

In Year, 1978, there were three different societies working independently, namely: Totts, Pinows and Escort. In year 1984, these three societies were merged together to form Social Welfare Society. Dr. Naveed Alam was the first General Secretary of the Social Welfare Society in 1984. And since then, the society has been on the rise.

Our Main Principle:

Social Welfare Society since its inception has adhered to the basic principle of “service to humanity”. SWS inherit its motto and purpose from its parent organization, Pakistan Red Crescent Society. It has been blessed for always having the most dedicated volunteers offering their services to its betterment. Reaching out to the Community, educating masses on the issues that matter and allowing well trained professionals to work for their country are some of the myriad objectives of the SWS.

The four wings of SWS are, in true sense, four prongs of the goal of the society. Our support and services are for everyone regardless of race, religion, caste, creed or nationality. It is incumbent upon the members of SWS, to be utterly dedicated to their cause and be always committed to voluntarism and service.

Yusra Samin

Yusra Samin

General Secretary

Studying and observing the problem rather than working with others toward a solution is a fruitless endeavor. SWS provided me with such a great platform where we can work as a team for the cause of humanity as i strongly believe that

You cannot compel everyone to walk on the path which is the right one
But your little endeavour can make your grave the bright one

Bringing smiles on others faces may not cost you a penny
But will definitely make you a superhuman in the hearts of many

Lets come forward and join our hands for this noble cause
And play your part to lessen on the world the burden of flaws.

Patient Care Wing

Aims and objectives:

  • Provision to medicine and medical treatment to underprivileged patients.
  • Free medical checkups for the underprivileged patients.
  • Free laboratory tests for the underprivileged patients.
  • Organize free medical camps in remote areas.
  • Training programs for students in basic medical skills.


Blood wing

Blood wing

Aims and Objectives

  • arranging blood camps
  • Blood screening
  • Provide blood to needy and deserving patients
  • Awareness campaigns about blood donation and safe blood transfusion.
Social Assistance wing

Aims and objectives:

  • To find and support underprivileged students who cannot afford educational fee.
  •     Organize donation campaigns.


Health and education wing

Health and education wing

Aims and objective

  • Awareness among general population
  • Impart practical education among the general population
  • Observe international health days
  • Provide updated knowledge to medical students
  • Basic life support workshops

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14 + 15 =


  • Delcared as the best society of all medical colleges, by President of Pakistan, Late General Zia Ul Haq.
  • Declared as best youth wing of Pakistan Red Crescent Society consectively for the last 28 years.
  • Secured first postion in Hepatitis awareness campaign among all medical colleges of Pakistan.
  • Awarded with letter of recomenation by DCO khairpur for flood relief efforts of 2011


Blood wing

Aims and Objectives

  • arranging blood camps
  • Blood screening
  • Provide blood to needy and deserving patients
  • Awareness campaigns about blood donation and safe blood transfusion.

Health and education wing

Aims and objective

  • Awareness among general population
  • Impart practical education among the general population
  • Observe international health days
  • Provide updated knowledge to medical students
  • Basic life support workshops


Patient Care Wing

Aims and objectives:

  • Provision to medicine and medical treatment to underprivileged patients.
  • Free medical checkups for the underprivileged patients.
  • Free laboratory tests for the underprivileged patients.
  • Organize free medical camps in remote areas.
  • Training programs for students in basic medical skills.

Social Assistance wing

Aims and objectives:

  • To find and support underprivileged students who cannot afford educational fee.
  • Organize donation campaigns.

Drug Store is proud to announce that after remaining inactive for many years, this year we conducted a Meds Camp 2021 for the non-teaching staff of KMC. The Camp happened in 3 stages.
1st Stage was of data collection where teams went to non-teaching staff of different academic departments, security members, cleaning staff and transport staff. They were asked about their health conditions and those of their close family members. The data was proficiently collected and confidentiality was ensured.
2nd stage was the most important one where teams went to KTH and collected the respective medicines needed for conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, gastric issues, respiratory problems and special medicines for vision issues, bone related diseases etc. The teams got their hands at the samples provided by pharmaceutical companies.
3rd Stage was of Drugs Distribution where these medicines were given to the members of non teaching staff by hand. Complimentary packet of cough syrups and painkillers was given to each academic department.
Alhumdulillah the event was well appreciated by the people benefitted and strict SOPS were observed.
In Shaa Allah Drug Store plans to continue the practice in near future as well. We thank Dr. Naila Hamid for providing us with this golden opportunity.

Drug Store Incharges,
Syed Hur Abbass and Wasia Jamil.

Kindness is a drug.

On 8th July 2021, Team Drug Store conducted its first activity of the year called “Kindness is a drug” where our team members greeted, waved and showed nice gestures to the coming students, teachers and non-teaching staff. The purpose was to give others a warm welcome and spread positivity early in the day so that their whole day would go nice. The team also conducted a survey where students gave their feedback about college and its teaching environment via filling a questionnaire. The response received was very positive and encouraging.

Awareness Campaign organised by Blood Society KMC:

Social Media Awareness Campaign:
It was a three week awareness campaign arranged by blood wing sws starting from 11 July to 31st august.
In these three weeks we used to post daily on social media platform and tried to clear all the misconceptions regarding blood donation. These post also included motivational videos to motivate people for blood donation and also general motivational videos which is need of time.
It was really informative and we got great response.

Online Quiz Competition:
Online quiz competition about blood and blood donation was conducted by blood wing, SWS after social media awareness campaign from 28 to 31 July 2021.
It was four day competition we had total of 54 teams registered from different colleges. Winner and runner up were rewarded with cash prices. And certificate.
It was really informative quiz all the participants learned a lot.

Blood donation camp organised by Blood Society KMC:

On 13th august 2021 blood wing KMC conducted its first ever blood camp for the session 2021 – 2022 in collaboration with Shaukat Khanum Memorial hospital. The event was inaugurated by vice dean sir qaiser inayat. The camp started by the recitation of holy quran after which sir qaiser appreciated the efforts of the wing and shared his experience. The donors were screened and we made sure the eligibility criteria was strictly followed. The donors were given refreshments after donation. The organizers saved the records and made sure everything went smoothly.

Seminar on “Transgender Identities in Pakistan”

The Health Education Wing of Social Welfare Society (SWS), arranged in collaboration with Blue Veins and Community department KMC, on the 15th of July, an awareness seminar on Transgender Identities in Pakistan“. The seminar was based on transgender people and their allies taking action to bring attention to the community by educating the public about who transgender people are, sharing stories and experiences, and advancing advocacy around the issues of prejudice, discrimination, and violence that affect the transgender community. The seminar was carefully laid out, streamlined and hosted by General Secretary of SWS, Yusra Samin. The occasion was brought to an end by a Question and Answer session, and a subsequent Prize Distribution ceremony in which shields were presented to Dr. BushraDr.RomanaDr. Naila,the Secretary, Yusra and the SWS members.

BLS arranged by Patient care wing.

Patient care wing of SWS arranged a three day BLS session in collaboration with rescue 1122, where the participants were taught the basics of BLS.
The session started on 3rd of August. Dean prof. Dr. Mehmood Aurangzeb was the chief guest for the event.
The  session had a two day teaching session and a 1 day quiz competition.
On the first day 102 people attended the event and rest of the participants were accommodated on the second day because of covid restrictions. On the second day 96 people attended the session.
The sops were observed and it was made sure that everyone was wearing a mask.
After two days of teaching and demonstration session, the third day,6th of August, the event ended with a quiz competition.
The quiz competition had 12 teams and winning and runner up team were given certificates and cash prizes.
At the end of quiz competition shields and  certificate of appreciation were given to rescue 1122 team. Certificates were also presented to the organising team and also the director of patient care wing.
General secretary yusra samin and joint secretary Shoaib khan also attended the event.
The event ended with refreshments