Hurry Up! Registration closing in
Every institute is to send a team of two speakers.
1. One speaker is to speak in English, the other in Urdu.
2. One speaker will speak on a humorous topic, the other on a serious topic.
3. Participation (as a team) will only be allowed in cross categories i.e. English Serious and Urdu Humorous/Urdu Serious and English Humorous.
4. If either both the two speakers are in the Serious category or their speeches are in the same language (i.e. Urdu or English only) they will only be eligible for the individual award of Best Serious Speaker in their respective category. They will not be eligible for the Team Winner’s
The team is allowed one chaperone/guide to accompany the speakers.
Lodging will be provided for two nights, the 14th and 15th of December, for teams that are from outside of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa if they wish to avail it, free of cost. They will however need to specify that in the online registration form while registering so that the necessary
arrangements can be made.
The contest stretches over 2 rounds: – Initial and Final.
Time limit for initial round is 3-5 minutes and final round is 4-6 minutes. Time limit should
be strictly followed. Overtime as well as finishing before the allotted time will both be penalized.
No derogatory comments or use of foul language is allowed.
Any personal or offensive remarks against a caste, sect, social, political or religious
figure or a community will not be tolerated and will result in immediate disqualification of the
Paper reading is strictly discouraged.
The decision of the judges shall be final and irrevocable.
The KMC Debates club holds all rights to the procedure of the contest and the set rules.
No amendment whatsoever shall be made henceforth in these rules.
Towards the end of the initial round 4 teams and 6 individual speakers will qualify for the final
Topics for 6th KMC APDC:
English Serious:
1. Ring the bells that you can still ring.
2. The day you stop racing is the day you win the race.
3. What you call madness, I call it passion.
4. Nepotism at its peak, wherever I peek.
English Humorous:
1. We don’t do that here.
2. And then she friend zoned me.
3. Oh my Gawwwd
4. Please don’t mind but…
Urdu Serious:
.ہم نئے عزم سے بنیاِد سحر رکھتے ہیں۔ <
.مجھے کیا بُرا تھا مرنا اگر ایک بار ہوتا۔ <
. جو سراپا ناز تھے آج مجبورنیاز ہیں۔ <
.پھول آب بھی نہ کھلتے تو قیامت کرتے <
Urdu Humorous:
گھبرانا نہیں ہے۔ <
.اور پھر آتی ہے یہ برگر عوام۔ <
میں ا سے بھول ُچکا ہوں
خبردار کوئی ہنسا۔ <
English Serious:
1. There is no moon in the night sky.
2. An eye for an eye makes the whole worldgo blind.
3. Faith in yourself is the faith that conquers.
4. War is what happens when language fails.
English Humorous:
1. The lies you tell.
2. Did you just slide into my DMs?
3. To be honest.
4. Is that a face on your makeup?
Urdu Serious:
.موجودہ دور کی جنگیں اقتصادی محازوں پر لڑی جا رہی ہیں۔
.رنج سے ُخو گر ہو انسان تو مٹ جاتا ہے رنج۔
دِل ُمردہ ِدل نہیں ہی ِاسے زندہ کر دوبارہ۔
آتا ہے یاد مجھ کو گزرا ہوا زمانہ۔
Urdu Humorous:
بس میری قسمت خراب ہے۔
تم سے نہ ہو پائے گا۔
یو ٹرن ضروری ہے۔
یہ آنٹی ِکس کو بولا؟
Coming to the setup of our British style parliamentary debates which are being conducted both
in English and Urdu this year ,we have the following rules and regulations that will guide you
through the process:
1.Each team will have 2 speakers.
2. The topics and sides (government or opposition) would be given on spot.
3. Speaking time per speaker is 4 minutes , where the first and the last minute is going to be the
“safe” minute and no POIs (points of information) would be asked.
4. Speaking time would be 7 minutes in the final round.
5. Preparation time of 20 minutes will be given in the start of every match, shifting it to 30 mins
for the final round.
6. Speakers can debate in both English and Urdu.
7. Decision of the judges will be considered as final and irrevocable.
All Pakistan Bilingual Declamations & Parliamentary Debates 2019
Khyber Medical College (KMC) is the flagship institution of Khyber Medical University in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. With its rich history of academic excellence and co-curricular as well as extra-curricular achievements, it stands tall as the mother institute of medicine in the province. The many thousands of fortunate students who have graduated from KMC are spread out all across the world, holding prestigious jobs, and are living examples of the grandeur of this institution and its extraordinary standards.
We, at KMC, promote co-curricular activities with great fervor and, acknowledge their important role in character development. For this very purpose, a Literary Society was founded back in the very initial years of the college’s foundation in 1954, and it has been offering countless opportunities to students to polish their various skills, including writing, public speaking and many more. Keeping in line with that very same ideology, we are proud to announce that we are hosting the 4th edition of our annual declamation contest, the 6th KMC ALL PAKISTAN DECLAMATION CONTEST’19, on the 13th to 15th of December 2019.
1st All KP Bilingual Declamation Contest 2013:
1st all KPK Bilingual declamation contest was held from 31st May, 2013 to 1st June, 2013 under
the president-ship of Samra Fakhar. 42 institutes participated in the competition. Kashif Zaman
and Sohaib, representatives of Gomal University were declared the winning team and were
awarded the team trophy.
1st All Pakistan Declamation Contest 2013:
Then we moved on to make it bigger.
And The 1stAll Pakistan Declamation Contest (1st APDC) was held on 21st May, 2014 under
the president-ship of Samra Fakhar.More than 50 institutes participated in the competition. Irtiza
Ziafat and Umer Anjum representatives of Military College of Engineering (MCE) , Risalpur were
declared the winning team and were awarded the team trophy.
2nd All Pakistan Declamation Contest 2015:
2ndAll Pakistan Declamation Contest (2nd APDC) was held from 22nd April, 2015 to 23rd April,
2015 under the president-ship of Daniyal Nadeem. More than 60 institutes participated in the
competition. Salman Marwat and Sikander Majeed, representatives of Government College
University (GCU), Lahore were declared the winning team and were awarded the team trophy.
3rd All Pakistan Declamation Contest 2016:
3rd all Pakistan Declamation Contest (3rd APDC) was held on 27th and 28th April 2016 under the presidentship of Bilal Zeb. More than 60 institutes took part. University of Lahore was the winning team and representatives (Abdullah Shahid and Hamza Minhas) were awarded the team trophy.
4th All Pakistan Declamation Contest 2017:
4th All Pakistan Declamation Contest (4thAPDC) was held on 17th and 18th of December 2017 under the presidentship of Khushal Nadir
Hadi. More than 65 institutes participated. University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir was the winning team and Haseeb and Hamza were the representatives.
5th All Pakistan Declamation Contest 2019 :
5th All Pakistan Bilingual Declamation contest and Parliamentary Debates held on 10th and 11th of January was a huge success. We introduced parliamentary debates for the first time. King Edwards Medical College Lahore won the final round. University of Karachi won the Khyber Trophy for the best team in bilingual Declamation.The Minister of state for Parliamentary affairs Ali Muhammad Khan was our chief guest .
1ST All Pakistan Parliamentary Debates 2019:
We were very hopeful that this segment will accentuate the students’ speaking skills, challenge their reasoning skills and teach them to prove their point right.
“We cannot control the way people interpret our ideas or thoughts, but we can control the words
and tones we choose to convey them”
We were very successful at executing the idea .What was on paper finally translated into reality
and now Parliamentary Debates are becoming a part of All Pakistan Bilingual Declamation
Contests in KMC.

Amna Gillani
“Dream, Dream it big”

Danish Ali Khan
General Secretary
“You can not conquer what you are not committed to”

Spoogmai Khattak
Vice President
“We are stronger than things are terrible”

Rija Sohail
Media Head
“Carpe di em”

Hurriya Khan
Parliamentary Head
“We have come too far to give up who we are”

Ayesha Johar
Registration Head
“How we see god is a direct reflection is how we see ourselves”

Sayed Muttahar Shah
General Secretary
“In a room full of mirrors, all i see is winners…”